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Competitions T&C's


If you're headed to the Great Kiwi Beer Fest, we've got a way to make your day even better! We'll be giving away a VIP experience at the Kaiser Brew Garden for one lucky winner and three mates valued at $500. Here's what you need to know




The one (1) winner of the Prize, will receive A VIP experience for themselves and six friends at the Kaiser Brew Garden in Riverside Market, Christchurch. This experience includes food and beverages valued at $500. You’re in good hands and will be well looked after by the team. 




Attend The Great Kiwi Beer Festival 2023 in Christchurch. Visit our stand (site 39) and buy a Kaiser Bros beer to get a token! 
Take a photo that includes the entry board (a photo booth) displayed at the Kaiser Bros site, or take your own photo of you enjoying Kaiser Bros beer at the Great Kiwi Beer Festival 2023 event.

Post the photo on Instagram, with the tag @kaiserbrosbeer 
Entrants can submit multiple entries.































​Instagram: @kaiserbrosbeer



Full Terms and Conditions can be found here.


Below are some of the important bits:


-Entrants and all participants in the brewing experience must be 18 years or older.


- One competition winner will be drawn and announced by Wednesday 1st  February 2023. The Promoter will determine the winner based on random selection.

The winner will be contacted via the social media account that submitted the winning entry by Wednesday 1st February 2023. This will also be announced on the Promoter’s social media channels.
The winner must acknowledge acceptance of and claim their Prize by replying to the social media message confirming their win with their name, email address, and phone number. This must be received by the Promoter no later than 4.00 pm NZT on Friday 3rd February 2023.

If for any reason a winner does not acknowledge acceptance of and claim their Prize by 4.00 pm NZT on Friday 3rd February 2023, the Prize will be forfeited, and another winner selected.


-The prize does not include any transport costs incurred in travelling to or from Kaiser Brew Garden.​


​​-Entrants agree that Kaiser Bros and the Kaiser Brew Garden have permission to share content submitted as part of their entry.


​-The Promoter reserves the right to alter or suspend any Terms and Conditions and the contest itself at any time without notice.​



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Monday-Friday : 9am-4pm

We knock off at 4pm to taste it.

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